
Some News

 Over a month has passed since my last post and I've been very busy all that time. Between being sick and having to work in the restaurant I didn't have much time to write. Now finally feeling better I can't seem to find my Muse. I'm stuck on my current WIP and need to take a step back from it.
With Christmas quickly approaching the restaurant is bursting with customers and they need me to work more than usual. It makes fitting in some Christmas preparations really hard. :/
But here's the good News: I got a cover for my second book! And let my just say IT IS AMAZING!
Book Two of Reality Series tells the story of Dominic and Jiminy. It will come out early in January.
And with this great news I need to go. Time for my day job!


Wow! Just wow!

Last week was sheer madness! I found a new apartment on Monday, I moved into it on Thursday, I worked every evening until this Monday, I struggled with:
Address changes, failing internet connection, lack of furniture, lack of internet connection, shopping for essentials like cutlery and crockery, reappearing and disappearing internet connection, tiredness, and once again the BLOODY INTERNET CONNECTION!!!
But now I can finally sit back and enjoy the fruits of my hard work:
Some furniture appeared and the apartment doesn’t look so bare, a sofa and a cabinet are coming tomorrow. Most of my stuff is unpacked from the boxes and put in a semi-permanent place.
And the most important and enjoyable news: The second book in my Reality Series has been accepted by the publisher!
And I managed about five thousand words into a new book, this time first in another series.
Life’s being good today!
Unless the bloody Internet stops working again!

<Narrows her eyes and dares it to happen>



Forty one thousand words into my second book and it's almost done. It should be ready to be sent to the publisher by the end of the week. This is of course a week later than I planned but still, ONLY a week, that has to count for something, right?
From more exciting news - Changing His Reality jumped onto 14th position of 30 best-selling books of last 14 days. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. I wonder if people liked it...
If anyone who bought it sees this post please leave a comment or a review on the website. I so want to know what you thought about it.
I still need to decide, what to do with my ARC copies. I know I should send it to a reviewer but somehow I can't make myself to do it. It might have something to do with the changes in my life right now. I'm moving houses this Saturday and there's lots of packing and dealing with other stuff. It's really hard to concentrate on writing in all this chaos and stress. Still finishing the second book is my priority so sending copies to reviewers will have to wait.
Anyway, I wanted to give my thanks to all the people who bought my book giving a new author a chance. I hope you weren’t disappointed...


Tired but alive

Trying to juggle two jobs with writing is not easy. Unfortunately it seems writing usually takes the last place. So here I am barely two days from my first book being published and way behind writing the second one. I planned to have it finished by now, but no such luck. I do have over 26K words but still need another fifteen thousands at least. Fortunately it's my martial arts training tomorrow, so I'll be able to blow some steam off and hopefully clear my mind which will allow me to get back to writing with renewed enthusiasm.
Maybe I'll add WIP section to my blog... that should work as a great motivator!


Post-infection post :D

I finally defeated the nasty bug that immobilised me for a week. Now it’s time to catch up on all the stuff that piled up while I was spending time in bed. Don’t you find it incredible, how much work to do can gather during a week of being sick? When you’re healthy it seems that there’s not much you’re doing of normal everyday stuff. And then one week of lazing in bed and BAM! You’ve got tons of things that need your immediate attention! It has to be one of Murphy’s Laws! But enough whining, time to get back to writing! 


Revisions and other stories

Hurray, hurray! I got my first book back, with editor’s notes, for revision. Is it weird that I’m so excited? Or, that I even love those notes? Seriously I feel like overexcited puppy whose owner just gave him some attention. After all bad attention is better than no attention, right? Anyway I’m almost giddy to get to editing. HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I normally hate editing! But maybe that’s just because it is my first book? Maybe it will pass and with the second one I will be all blasé about it? I don’t know and I don’t really care. I’m HAPPY!
Now I just need to decide: should I start revising immediately, or is it better to wrap up the chapter of my second book before I go back to revising the first… Decisions, decisions. Oh so hard is life of an author… And seriously I do have a busy schedule, writing, revising, and working two part time jobs… And packing my stuff for a move. And trying to work on a portrait I decided to draw as a gift…
Yeah… Overambitious much? That’s me!
Anyways, I’ll keep you posted on how my revising goes.

Bye, Sophie.



Hello everyone!
I'm just starting my adventure with being an author. My first book is due to come out in mid-October and I'm about 13k words in my second one. All the while about five or six different stories fight in my head for the right to being written first. It's... interesting, that's for sure.
The whole thing with having my book actually published took me by surprise. English isn't my first language, so I've been a bit apprehensive with sending my story to the publisher. I worried that they’ll “laugh in my face” (metaphorically speaking of course) and very politely tell me to get lost. That wasn’t the case though and with huge dose of surprise and disbelief I found an email in my inbox that my book has been accepted to be published.
I’m ecstatic, of course and can’t wait to see it come true. It still doesn’t seem real to me. In the meantime I work on the second book in the series, started Facebook and Twitter accounts, created blog, and all of this while juggling two jobs and getting ready to move to a different house. I’m still in kind of a daze and wonder if anyone will actually read my book. I guess I’ll have to wait and see…
I’ll keep you posted on my journey to become a real author…