My week
So it’s Wednesday already. My week off passed I-have-no-clue-when. I went to bed one day and it was the beginning of my off time, I woke up and I need to go to work today. I’ve done virtually NOTHING of what I’ve had planned. Well, ok, that’s not entirely true. I did go to the doctor’s and registered there. Lucky me, it will take only two weeks to have my registration processed, yay! (yes, it was sarcasm.) I managed to fill out the cover questionnaire and send it back, I signed the contract for the book, I wrote a few thousand words into the third book in the series. But besides that?
I know it’s my problem, obsessively thinking of all the things I should have done and I haven’t. I know I need to let go. But it’s hard to change your entire way of thinking. I’ll try to look on the bright side, I swear! So:
I went for a long walk three times this week. (It’s an accomplishment because usually I spend almost entire off week home) I did some exercising. (and can feel it in my muscles) I met with a friend who’s going out of the country soon.
Hmm, when I think about it, I did quite a lot! (for me that is )
So in this cheery mood I’ll share some pictures with you!
About short story and Ross.
It’s a Great Horned owl and its expressions remind me of those of a cat. Here’s another image from Google.
But seriously Ross’s appearance and behaviour is mostly based on my cats. I’ve had quite a few cats in my life and working with Ross was really fun
New house, new book, new start.
Ok, so apparently living half your life in past and half in present isn't the best thing to do. I learned it the hard way trying to cling to my old life-work-apartment, and deal with the new ones. Thankfully it's the last week of this dual life. Today I finished most of dragons #2. Only the last scene is left for the book to be finished and I'm so very happy. Now two other books are vying for my attention. I'm still not sure, if I should finish the 3-rd dragons, or concentrate on Bigwell #2. Well, anyway it's going to be decided in the next week.
In the meantime I'm leaving my day-job and staring a new one. Also, I'm ninety-percent moved to the new house. Changing from an apartment to a house and changing flat-mates takes a lot of effort and money, but I hope it is worth it.
Also just a week ahead of me is my week-long holiday. A chance to see my friends, visit my family and be at a cousin's wedding. It suddenly seems that me and my brothers are the last of the family to settle down. It's a strange feeling, but as I was writing today it suddenly occurred to me, It is worth, waiting for the one meant for me. I do realize, it is highly unlikely that I'll find the love of my life just like that, but it's better to live a fulfilled life waiting for my love, than to be miserable doing so.
Anyway, I'm going to finish my book tomorrow, then start on the next one. Then I'll take care of the rest of many things that needs to be done when it comes to the move.
All in all, life is good.
Captive or Captor #4
The move and other horror stories
The move is now underway and I am losing my mind. There's packing that seems neverending, paperwork, and I need to be in at least two places at the same time on Monday. The money is tight and time is even tighter. It is also incredible how much stuff one can gather in less than a year. I'm feeling like a director of a circus. Trying to herd all the monkeys and lions and camels in their pens, deal with clowns and acrobats and stay sane. I don't think I'm succeeding. Add to that the need for final edits to Credo Quia Absurdum and trying to finish second book about dragons... Yeah call the people with straitjackets, will ya? Anyway it's just one more week and then it all should calm down slightly. I crave blessed silence and ability to drown in my stories for hours on end. Let's hope I survive long enough to have it once again.
Wish me luck people!
Captive or Captor #3
An update
My life is closely following the truth that: the only thing constant in life is change. Right now I'm in a middle of organising yet another move. After that I'll be seeking a new day job. It's all very bothersome and stressful. I can hardly concentrate and writing is out of question.
I will, however, try and motivate myself to write the next entry in my blog story. The characters went suspiciously quiet while I deal with stress, but I'm gonna wake them up sometime this upcoming week. The next thing I'll do is the edits for the third book in Reality series which is scheduled to be published on 17 September.
Unfortunately all this trouble messed up with my plan of finishing second book about dragons. Ur's story was supposed to be finished a month ago, and yet I'm still struggling with the finishing touches.
Well I decided that my mental health is more important than keeping up with deadlines that I myself placed on my writing.
Let's hope the move goes smoothly from now on and I can find a job that'll allow me to write as much as I wish.
On a different note, I got my CBT training done yesterday, so now I can ride a motorbike. I think I'm gonna buy one asap, I loved it so much. My ultimate goal is to get a full cat. A driving licence and buy a Harley Davidson. It is a far in the future goal but it is good to have something to look forward to, isn't it? :)
Captive or Captor #2
A Beginning of a blog story?
Captive or captor?
Wonderful new cover!
The Dragon's Bard and Timiny's story
BTW. I decided to paint some animal pictures and try and sell them for WWF action #WearitWild - still getting to it though.
So yeah - busy, busy time. I guess I should also start exercising again, now that I've got my medicines all set up. Yeah... Let's stretch days to twice as long as they are now, shall we? :)
Okay, going back to writing now! Bye!
As a teaser for Dragon's Bard I'd like to share a song with you. Do you know that feeling when some song gets stuck in your head and you walk around humming it under your breath all day long? Well it happened to me and this song. There is just something about the freedom it represents... Anyway, enjoy!
Release day!
At the same time I'm wrapping up an epilogue to a stand alone book The Dragon's Bard. Well it is a standalone for now. I might write some follow up stories in future but it's not in the plans for a close future.
As soon as The Dragon's Bard is submitted I'm getting back to Timiny's story from Reality series. I'm sure some readers would like to know what happened to Jim and Domini s well as Jason, his mates and father. The book will reveal some secrets and introduce some new characters to the series.
That's all for now, Go and check out
The Bigwell Chronicles
I also almost finished another book, a standalone for now. I might go back to it as there are some characters who'll want their stories told but it's not in my plans for closest future. As soon as i finish with revisions I'm returning to Jason and his friends. Tim is very adamant about having his story told as soon as possible.
Here's my newest cover. It's so beautiful, probably the best one yet!
I just wanted to share some news. First of all, my third book got accepted by siren publishing and is scheduled for release at the end of April, beginning of May. (Right now it shows as 29 April.)
I also started work on a short story that will be placed in the universe of another of my series. The series is called The Great War Stories and is still in my head only. The book I'm working on now will be placed chronologically centuries before that series starts.
The story surprised me with its insistence to be told and it delayed writing book 3 in Reality Series. But don't worry, Timiny's tale is waiting impatiently to be told and i'm going to tackle it as soon as possible.
Also I'm going for holiday to visit my family in two weeks, so I hope to finish the book I'm writing now until then.
New Year Resolutions And Book Promoting
Well, I'm quite erratic when it comes to my writing, but let's hope I'll find the strong will that i need to keep this promise to myself. My other resolutions are more personal, so I'll share only one of them: Get my motorbike license and start saving for a bike. It is my dream since i was a little girl to own a real Harley Davidson and ride it. I am now closer to finalizing this dream that i have ever been.
Okay, and since you suffered through my confessions let's get to the part of promoting my books.
So I am a new author as you probably know and have no idea about all this stuff that comes after the book has been published. I only know what I like when it comes to my favourite authors. And I like getting books for free. So I decided to offer three free copies of my first and second book in Reality Series. I thought about making a contest out of it, but decided against it. So I'll give away a copy of each: Changing His Reality, and Reality Check to first three people who leave a comment under this post and then send me an email. Pretty straightforward, isn't it?
So, free books anyone?
YAY! My second book's release day!
The last couple of months had been tough. Moving houses, changing jobs, trying to judge how much time I can actually spend writing. Fortunately the busiest time has passed and now I can concentrate more on my writing.
The second book from reality series is out today, and currently I've got about 23K written of a first book in new series. The plan is to finish it and then go back to telling Tim's story in Reality series. Those who got to like Jason, Tyler and their friends will have to wait a bit to see what happened to the whole bunch.
Anyway, I don't want to bore you to death so I'll just leave a link to Reality Check and wait for your comments and opinions.