
Changing Websites!!!!

 I finally got to creating a new website and I will be moving my blog there!

A rough version is now available here:


I will slowly transfer all my stuff from here to there.


Lockdown, writing etc.

 I'm sure the coronavirus pandemic has been a strange time for us all. Personally being stuck on furlough (off work but still being paid 80% of my wages) for four months would have been so much more difficult if not for my writing. As it was I managed to accomplish quite a few things. 

  • Finished and published Real Love - next book in Reality series.
  • Managed to self publish my first book - The Mage - first in my new Into The Wilds series.
  • Started writing the second one of Into the Wilds books.
It's all terribly exciting but just as all this was happening I got a call from work telling me I was being made redundant. Thankfully, I didn't end up jobless in the middle of the pandemic. The company managed to start a new contract and offered me a different job position. While I'm grateful and feeling very fortunate that I still have a job, I also can't help but be a little sad at the timing. All the training for the new role distracted me from the excitement of having my newest two books published. Still, this quiet time to focus on my writing did me some good. It reenergized my imagination and helped motivate me. With a little bit of luck, I'll keep my stride and won't falter again anytime soon.


Self isolation

The world's gone crazy. A tiny little virus is affecting the whole global population. A pandemic has more than health consequences. It affects our way of life, economy, practically every aspect of human life. 
Even though the company I'm working for is still open, they were forced to send some people on the government funded scheme of Furlough. You still get paid 80% of your wages but are required to NOT work for the company. How crazy is that? Government paying people to not work? I don't believe it's ever happened in history of mankind before. Still, it is what it is and we must all do our best to slow down the spread of this virus. Personally, and I do feel a little bad about it, I'm glad to be at home. I am one of these fortunate people who live in the countryside, surrounded by nature. It's calm, peaceful and a big contrast to constant human interaction at work. Right now I'm sitting outside listening to and observing the birds. 
The other plus of my enforced time off is being able to write. Finding time and energy to do it while working 45+hrs week is almost impossible for me. But now I've got two months to finish all the projects that I have started and never found time to complete. 
Aside from my current Reality book I'm working on (Jack's story) I do have a few others finished and not edited. They do not fit the guidelines of my current publisher and dealing with them was more effort than I was capable of for a long time. Maybe, just maybe, this forced time off will be just what I need to decide what I really want to do with my professional life. My job isn't a dream one, but it does pay the bills. But do I really want to continue as I am, mentally tired all the time and unable to write? Maybe it's time to weigh my priorities once again.

But to finish on a more happy note below is some peaceful countryside for everyone to enjoy :)


March 2020

I'm still working on the next book in Reality Series and it's giving me trouble. Jack has a complicated past but his love interest's is surprisingly enogh just as complicated. I finally managed ti get them through the biggest hurdles and to their first sexual encounter. Getting them here was difficult because of Jack's issues due to his captivity as well as some tension between the two men themselves. But they are now finally ready to build something real together.
This book is surprisingly giving me a lot of trouble. The characters just don't want to cooperate. I'm hoping now that they're past their worst hurdles, they'll finally become more willing to work with me, but I'm not holding my breath.
The book was meant to be finished by the end of 2019 but it's now March of 2020 and I'm still working on it. Writer's block or lack of strong will, wharever it is, it's incredibly irritating.
In the meantime coronavirus is on everyone's minds, a big distraction. But life doesn't pause even for a global pandemic. Show must still go on, and so I work like normal, 8-17.30 five days a week. A mentally draining job, it doesn't leave me with much brainpower for writing or anything else really. I keep meaning to try and create some kind of routine for my writing, but it seems just too difficult most days. Let's hope that spring will bring with it sun, warmth and more energy...