
Guess what? Here’s my new cover! It’s Thom and Ur’s story. You met them in “The Dragon’s Bard,” remember? So yeah, as you can imagine, Ur, the dragon, is the green-haired one. Like with the cover for “The Dragon’s Bard” Harris Channing caught the atmosphere of the book perfectly.


My week


So it’s Wednesday already. My week off passed I-have-no-clue-when. I went to bed one day and it was the beginning of my off time, I woke up and I need to go to work today. I’ve done virtually NOTHING of what I’ve had planned. Well, ok, that’s not entirely true. I did go to the doctor’s and registered there. Lucky me, it will take only two weeks to have my registration processed, yay! (yes, it was sarcasm.) I managed to fill out the cover questionnaire and send it back, I signed the contract for the book, I wrote a few thousand words into the third book in the series. But besides that?

I know it’s my problem, obsessively thinking of all the things I should have done and I haven’t. I know I need to let go. But it’s hard to change your entire way of thinking. I’ll try to look on the bright side, I swear! So:

I went for a long walk three times this week. (It’s an accomplishment because usually I spend almost entire off week home) I did some exercising. (and can feel it in my muscles) I met with a friend who’s going out of the country soon.

Hmm, when I think about it, I did quite a lot! (for me that is Open-mouthed smile)

So in this cheery mood I’ll share some pictures with you!