
A fuller update


Okay, so I promised to tell you what exactly am I up to. Well, I’m happy to tell you I finished the first book in my new, fairy-tale series. I’ll tell you more about this series in another post. For now, I’ve finished the story about The Prince and the Frog. I still need to do edits on it before it is ready to be sent to publisher. Meanwhile I’m already deep in Reality Series world as the characters are pressing me to tell their story.

So that’s what’s on agenda next for me. Reality series #4 Jack’s story. It’ll take some time to have it done I think, because there are many plot lines that need to be included. Jack’s romantic problems will be the least of the trouble the pack will be facing. There is the escaped fey who had been leading the human and paranormal trafficking ring – we haven’t heard the last of her, I assure you. And then there are all the other problems that surfaced in the short Halloween story (yeah the short story that proved not so short Open-mouthed smile) So there is that missing cuberow girl, another cuberow who’d joined the pack, a bunch of teenage cuberows who’d attacked Jason and his friends on Halloween… Yeah, a lot of cuberow shifters! Oh, and of course there is the owl-cat. I believe he’ll become a very important member of the pack. So anyway, a lot to figure out and so I foresee finishing this book will take some time.

But that’s not all that I have in mind. After I’m done with Jack’s story I’m finally going back to Bigwell! Ollie and his friends have been bugging me for some time to tell their story. Unfortunately their is a complicated one. I wish it was as easy as a simple matter of one wolf trying to take over the packs. Well, on the surface it is but then that’s just the surface. Well, at least I know there are two stories forming in my head. First – Tony, Oliver’s Selkie friend is going to get his happily ever after – after a ton of trouble of course. The next story isn’t so obvious. The characters haven’s been introduced yet and the only thing I’ll tell you is that one of them is a wolf who’ll be joining Henway pack with Tilda. He’s her best friend from Ashworth pack and decides to come with her once she’s forced to move.

So yeah, that’s these two series for now. After that I’ve got about three other fairy-tale stories and a bunch of other stuff circling in my head. It’s too early to decide what’s going to be first.

So yeah, that about sums up my plans for the earliest future. I’m still waiting for the first round of edits for “The Warrior’s Light” which is supposed to come out late June. Meanwhile there’s the boring “real life”. My night job (sounds funny. I’ve got a night-job in real-world and writing is my day-job Smile with tongue out) some DIY projects for my cat. Figuring out my finances… and a ton of other stuff that isn’t half as exciting as writing.

But it is time for me to get ready for my working week. See you when I have enough time to write that post about my fairy-tale series!

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